About Me

- Genelife Clinical Research Private Limited
- A Phase I, II, III, IV CRO also involved in Pre-Clinical Research Services.
Popular Posts
- Difference Between Indian GCP & ICH-GCP
- Significance of Disease Surveillance Report (DSR) in Patient recruitment
- Project Management Approach
- Genelife Clinical Research- Ongoing Medical Device Clinical Trials
- CLINICAL RESEARCH IN MEDICAL DEVICES –Innovative Designs to overcome constrains
- Patient Recruitment and Retention- Genelife Approach
- Genelife Clinical Research: Ophthalmology Clinical Trials
- Genelife Clinical Research IInd Anniversary Celebration
- Drug Resistant Tuberculosis
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Significance of Disease Surveillance Report (DSR) in Patient recruitment
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Difference Between Indian GCP & ICH-GCP
2. In IEC section, Indian GCP recommended the maximum no. of IEC member (12-15) but ICH-GCP Maximum number is not detailed. In IEC section, Indian GCP recommended that Member Secretary belongs to the same Institution but ICH- GCP Not recommended.
3. As per Indian GCP Monitor is also responsible for ensuring that CRFs are legible. where ICH-GCP state that Monitor has to verify that the documents provided by the investigator are legible.
4. As per Indian GCP, Study related documents/materials should be safe guarded by the sponsor for 3 years. (Section 3.1.5) but in ICH-GCP the records are linked to marketing approval.
5. Investigator qualifications: The Indian GCP investigator should be qualified as per the requirement of the Medical Council of India (MCI).
6. Investigator and sponsor’s Sops: The Indian guideline mandates that the sponsor and the investigator should sign a copy of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Besides, the investigator and his staff have to be aware and comply with SOPs; ICH-GCP expects the investigator to comply with the protocol.
7. Investigators responsibility for data analysis: As per ICH-GCP, when the trial is completed, the investigator has to provide the Independent Ethics Committee (IEC) with a summary of the outcome of trial. In contrast, Indian GCP demands that the investigator should sign and forward the data like Case Report Forms (CRF), results and interpretations, analyses and reports of the study from his/her centre to the sponsor and the ethics committee.
8. Powers of IEC: According to Indian GCP (, the IEC has power to order discontinuation of a trial if the IEC finds that the goals of the trial have already been achieved mid-way or unequivocal results obtained. As per ICH-GCP, this is the responsibility of independent data-monitoring committee (IDMC).
9. EC Quorum: ICH GCP min of 5 members and Indian GCP min of 7 members.
10. EC Members: Indian GCP gender representation at least 1 women
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Progression with Pre- Clinical Studies
Rahul Bhalla
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Genelife CR on a roll with successful Site Selections
The very first stage is to select the city for the study. According to the prevalence of the disease and the type of the study for Ulcerative Colitis, we selected Western Maharashtra, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, etc. and for Psoriasis study, we have selected cities in Western Maharashtra, Central Madhya Pradesh, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, and some parts of Andhra Pradesh and in the Northern part of India. The experience gained during the site selection was priceless. The doctors’ approach towards our project was appreciable. We conducted the site selection visits in Western Maharashtra, Central Madhya Pradesh, Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. We faced many problems during the process. While selecting the site, we looked for facilities available at the site, patient recruitment rate, and compliance of ICH-GCP guidelines. We also considered important suggestions from investigators related to protocol of the study, exclusion and inclusion criteria for recruiting the patients for the study. After the few site selections, we learned that along with the experience one becomes perfect in the field. We are looking forward for the site selection in Western India in next week and we would like to take all this experience for our future projects.
Ujwala Nikambe
Genelife Clinical Research
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
A Proficient Start at Genelife Clinical Research
In coming week we are also supposed to start another study on Psoriasis which is again a global, multicentre study involving 20 sites and requires 800 patients in the recruitment duration of 6 months.
Our young and dynamic team of Genelife Clinical Research is looking forward for a successful completion of these challenging projects and prove our-self accurate expert. Our aim is to excel in healthcare field by making the best use of opportunities, overcoming challenges by taking initiatives, hard work and sincerity for growth of the organization.
Kind Regards,
Anila Mannathu
Clinical Research Associate
33, 34, 37 Ground Floor, Cinewonder Mall, Ghodbandar Road, Thane West-400607. INDIA
Telephone: +91-(0)22-65242666
Mob: +91-(0)9773756671
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Genelife Clinical Research
Genelife Clinical Research a newly incepted phase II/IV CRO, also involved in project management of Non-Clinical and BA/BE studies. Genelife Clinical Research has the capability to complete multiple projects on time and in budget in different therapeutic areas. Although a new CRO Genelife Clinical Research is confident of its capabilities and able to match any global CRO in quality and timeline.
Genelife Clinical Research is in the initiative to provide trust based strategic partnership with sponsors. Genelife provides broad-based progression of therapeutic candidates, including Drugs, Biologicals and Medical Devices, from the laboratory through clinical proof. Genelife Clinical Research has built the base with core values of 3 Es.
- Experience: Our diverse team brings experience pool of more than 20 years to deliver the most complaint services
- Enthusiasm: Our young and dynamic team considers the value of each sponsor and equally participates in the product development process
- Excellence: Our only objective to attain excellence in each study makes us unique in industry.
- Fundamentally understanding the “Lab” sciences
- Having the ability to lead IND enablement
- Being second to none in carrying out clinical research
- Higher recruitment rates/ shorter timelines
- Better understanding of your research needs
- Clear and transparent service
- Quality data
Dhirendra V. Singh,
34,35,37 Ground Floor, Cinewonder Mall, Ghodbandar Road, Thane West-400607. INDIA, Telephone: +91-(0)22-65242666 Email: dhirendras@genelifecr.com , info@genelifecr.com Website: http://www.genelifecr.com/